Thursday, April 12, 2007

Trade, Craft, Critique

A lot has been said about the craft of photography vs. the books and art. I've held my tongue, more or less. I can no longer do so. I have to write 8 more blogs.

So there's apparently some disagreement between the art students and those who would separate themselves from this designation. Some of the 'Photo Kids' are here because they actually want to work commercially and wouldn't prefer the opportunity to learn about what matters in sophisticated photography or theory.

That's fine. Fuck it. I understand that you need an education to make it in the world of professional photography. However, you've gotta look at where you're going. UB is a school that has a long, thick, wonderful history in theory. It also happens to be a school that teaches photography from a conceptual angle. Sure, maybe that sucks. But you applied here. You could have gone somewhere else.

And still could. (:

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